Ideas As Things

Alongside architecture, SJS design, develop and manufacture ‘things’. These objects and projects suggesting that architecture is part of everyday life, as much as everyday life is part of architecture under the motto Ideas as Things.

Shop the Sam Jacob Studio storeĀ here.


We make objects as a way of exploring materials, techniques and ideas. They explore our relationship with design and allow us to think about the significance of ‘things’.

Objects have been exhibited at the Soane Museum, Etage Projects, the Art Institute Chicago, DKUK and as part of the London Festival amongst other places.


Our products are a way of distributing ideas about design to a wider public. We research ways of manufacturing that allow us to reimagine familiar things in ways that tell different stories. They include everyday items such as a range of scarves, T-shirts, packing tape.

Products have been stocked at the Graham Foundation, The RIBA Bookshop and the Aram Store amongst other places.

Selected Projects